"Your   wisdom    lies   on  your  fingertips"





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" High school life, Oh my high school life ay exciting  kaysaya", lyric from mega star's hit HIGH SCHOOL LIFE  is really proven a fact to every secondary students . Unnatural feelings to opposite sex are common especially during puberty.


                                                                                                                                                   - an excerpt from Young Peoples Ask



   It is no sin to have a strong feelings for someone-provided such are not immortal or improper.(proverbs 5:15-18)When you are young, though, "desires incidental to youth" often rule your thoughts and actions. Still learning to control the new and potent desires unleashed by puberty, a youth can be full of whipped-up romantic feelings-and have no one to lavish them on.

        Furthermore,girls become poised and socially at an earlier age than boys. As a result they often find their male classmates inmmature and unexciting compared to teachers or other older ,unattainable men. A girl might thus imagine that a favorite teacher, pop singer, or some older acquintance is the "ideal man". Boys often become similarly infatuated. However, the love felt for such distant figure is  obviously rooted more in fantasy than reality.





    You've begun to notice the opposite sex-perhaps even one person in particular body . But just what is it that you are feeling? Is it love -the kind  that last forever -or something else? And just what should you do about those feelings?


    "For most teens", wrote one youth-oriented magazine, " crushes are as common as colds". Almost all youths experience it  and almost all manage to survive to adulthood with their pride and sense of humour  intact. However, when you are caught in the grip of a crush, there is a little to laugh about. "I was frustrated ",  recalls one youth , "because  I couldn't do anything about it ". "I knew she was too old for me , but I liked him. I was really bent out of shape over the  wholething".


CRUSHES-Why They Can Be Harmful

   While most crushes are amazingly short-lived, still they can do a lot of damage to a youth. For one thing, many objects of teenage affetion are simply not worthy of esteem. A wise man said : " Foolishness has been put in many high positions". (Ecclesiastes 10:6) Thus a singer is idolized because he has a smooth voice or a striking voice. But are his morals worth praising? Is he or she " in the LORD" as dedicated Christian ?-1 Corinthians 7:39.

    The Bible also warns: " Friendship with the world is emmity with God." (James 4:4) Would it not jeopardize your friendship with God if you set your heart on a person whose conduct God condemns? Too, the Bible commands, " Guard yourselves from idols."(1 John 5:21) What would you call it when a youth decorates his or her rom wall to wall with pictures of a singing star? Would not the word "idolatry" fit? How could this possibly please God?


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